American Express Global Corporate Program responsive global website
Based on extensive user testing and data research, the workflows and content strategy employed in the site center on the lifestyle and card benefit interests of the visitors. Guiding the user through an experience that speaks to their particular needs without overwhelming them with information.
Each region's marketing team chose their own functionalities and composed their own content through a centralized library built on Sitecore. The available  features included containers, menus, discoverable modules, galleries and more. Other than the customizable features, the release included improvements of various AMEX global properties, such as news hubs and contact workflows. 
The modular strategy of the GCP properties was also extended to the Corporate Membership Rewards program pages. Improving user experience and content display as well as making their seasonal and personalized population effortless for the AMEX teams. The customizable nature of the site's structure also provided the opportunity for brands to create their own rewards pages for their co-branded AMEX cards. These included custom branding, rewards and interactive features.
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