Concepts and delivery of the 2014 and 2015 RSA Conference themes
The theme of the 2014 RSA Conference, "Share, Learn, Secure. Capitalizing on collective intelligence" was created to apply in a sequential fashion both in copy and graphics. The tagline accents the benefits of attending the event. The graphics applied to the communications were also created to connect in physical space and express the continuity of intelligence produced during the event as well as the diverse industry needs that would be addressed. The visual theme was also designed to feature breakable elements that would effortlessly apply to the various media required for the conference's promotions as well as during the event itself. The assets created ran the gamut from signage, directional and print materials to emails, banners and webpages.
The 2015 RSA Conference concept "CHANCE. Challenge today's security thinking" was created to express the conference's focus on innovation. The graphics created were designed to be iconic and differentiate from previous years.